Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Reasons to be cheerful...

I'm conscious that, far from being a barrel of laughs, my recent posts have had all the humour and joie de vivre of a 4000 page treatise on wallpaper paste.

I'm not naturally so miserable, you know. True, I feel that the most spectacular things I've done in my life are behind me, and I dwell on every single little mistake I've ever made until they each develop the proportion of huge craters in the path of my life. But the fact is, I'm (relatively) healthy, I've got reasonably secure employment in a job that is interesting and provides me with the opportunity to learn, write my blog etc. I've got some of the greatest friends anyone could ever wish for in life, and I've got a girlfriend who suits me better than anyone I could ever have dreamed of, and who consistenty surises me with the amount of love and support she gives me.

I actually started this blog partly as a form of relief for her, as by ranting into empty space it relieves my stress, and means I'm not beinding her ear with all the things that annoy me today. It's strangely cathartic and I enjoy it. I don't know if anyone reads it at all, and I'll be thoroughly embarrassed if they do, but's fun.

Partly I feel I need to put my comments into perspective every time I read one of Tom Reynolds' entries on his blog. Here is a man who has more than enough reason to complain about existence, but he rarely does so without a good natured literary wink and a smile. And scrolling throuhg the blogs I realise that quite a few people do what I try to do, but far better than I do, (check out Justin Horton - very good, very witty, and far more thoughtful than i could hope to be).

But anyway, I'm waffling. At lunch, I was trawling through a random section of blogs and came across the blog of one Hector Padilla. It seemed pretty good, and then I came across quite possibly the best quote I have ever seen. It's from someone called Tucker Max, but I think it sums up life quite wonderfully.

Enjoy, and speak soon.

'Sometimes it takes a dominatrix in your living room to make you sit up and think "what the hell am I doing with my life?"'


At 6:53 pm , Blogger ejh said...

Gosh, how kind of you to say so. I don't know you or something?


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