Thursday, August 26, 2004

They've all gone mad!!!

Well, after a day of inactivity from the walkers, where I became convinced Rich had led them to some hideous end (possibly involving Sirens in an "Odyssey"-esque manner), they have spluttered back to life. And it's not looking good. Ibs appears to have cracked and is brandishing lethal sticks, while the G-man's feet look like they're doomed. I think conclusive proof is provided however, by the fact that they were pleased to have found a Weatherspoons...

Will they make it to the end alive? I don't know about you, but I'm on tenterhooks.

On a different note, isn't it nice to see what's happening to "Sir" Mark Thatcher? Quite what he did to deserve his knighthood no-one seems to know, but we know that he specialised in f*cking over small foreign countries (unlike his mum, who just vigourously shafted our pleasant land). But seeing what's happening now to him, you just feel that there is something like karma that exists in the universe...


At 12:00 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a seperate rant for knighthoods is in order. They are given out like candy to the rich and the famous (some of which may actually deserve them.


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