Saturday, August 21, 2004

Free advertising service

My beloved compadre and fellow musical terrorist Andy is commencing his career as a solo performer this weekend, having the opening and closing slots at the "Unsigned and Unplugged Festival" at SpaceTwoTenTwo in Whitechapel (that's him in the picture at the bottom left on the web link). He's got a rather special talent on acoustic guitar, and rather a nice voice. So people should go and hear him. Even if he is appearing in a too-trendy part of the world...

By the way, no update from the intrepid wanderers today. Therefore I assume that one of the following will have happened to them:

1) They've been stranded halfway up a mountain

2) They've fallen off a cliff to their doom

3) Girish has gone mad and killed them all in a fit of whiskey-fuelled rage

4) They've inconsiderately chosen to hike up somewhere where there's no mobile reception...


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