Monday, August 23, 2004

Rant of the Week: Stupid People (pt. I)

A bonus rant this week, simply because I need to bring someone's utter and complete STUPIDITY to peoples' attention.

I was listening to the Radio last night ("Face the Facts", Radio 4, 21:00 - yes, I know I'm a pretentious arse). The programme was about persecution of innocent people by extreme animal rights groups. Now, obviously this programme is not going to present the most balanced of views, and anyone they interview from the animal rights side of things will probably be chosen from the more insane side of the spectrum. But one guy on there REALLY took things too far. I won't name him (mainly because I've tried to forget he exists, in the same way that if you ignore the madmen on the street they go away). But this individual went on radio saying:

"We're dealing with the animal holocaust here."


Right, backtrack a bit. What we're dealing with here is experimentation on animals, for medical or other purposes. What we are NOT dealing with is the decision of a group of people to systematically exterminate an entire section of society across the globe. The term "holocaust" is being malappropriated on a worryingly increasing scale.

IT'S NOT APPROPRIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The holocaust was a singularly disgusting act in our history and applying it to something which (let's be fair) is not on the same scale is wrong and deeply disrespectful to the many thousands of people still alive today who were related to people who suffered and perished during the purges. Yet this incompetent little tw*t said this three times during his interview. You know, sod animal experiments, let's just experiment on this little ape! He clearly has no advanced cognitive functions. He is trying to compare the mass extermination of a people based on little more foundation than the fact that they follow a different form of religion, to the experimentation on, ooh, maybe 200 fluffy little animals. THIS MAN IS A CRETIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now of course, if he were ever to read this he'd think "Ah, sympathiser, let's burn him!". And, no doubt like in the rest of his life, he'd be wrong. I don't agree with animal testing. Or at least certain aspects of it. I certainly think there has to be a better way of testing out deodorants, make-up etc. than brutalising creatures. But if an experiment on an animal will help find a cure to save someone the life of someone close to me, or even me, then I will not object. This is a case of double standards, I know, but I think some testing is justified, when the benefits and outcome of said testing will result in the prevention of human suffering.

I think that the whole animal rights movement would do well to disassociate itself from the rants of little oiks like that buffoon last night. He gives an organisation which has some valid points and arguments, (and which does a lot of good) a bad name, and does far more harm than good.


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