Friday, September 10, 2004

RE: I really don't care...

I don't want any mention of the word "hypocrite"...

I'm touching on football again because I think here are two erudite and fairly amusing contrasting views on the England squad blanking the media on Wednesday night.

Scott Murray thinks they should
'put up or shut up'.

Richard Williams offers the case for the defence

I'm inclined to agree with Mr Williams. Just criticism is something that any figure in the public eye should expect and should not complain about. Comparing someone to a donkey however, is taking it a touch too far - no human being should have to put up with the amount of abuse that David James has had heaped upon him recently. Yet our press seems to forget that we are dealing with human beings. Just look how Emile Heskey was treated.

So go on, lets have a quick straw poll. Who's for and who's against?


At 4:41 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The press wants to speak to the footballers but they aren't planning on talking about the sport and instead are going to launch personal insults and fish for resignations/sackings? And they're surprised and angry that the footballers won't - to coin a phrase - play ball? Well, of course they're surprised and angry: your typical sports journalist has the intelligence of a dung beetle and a slightly less-pleasant odour and are almost invariably drawn from the ranks of ex-school bullies and dropouts. I support the footballers in their actions and am unhappy to hear that the sponsors are now trying to muscle the FA because their logos now can't be seen at the press conferences/insult-flinging sideshows. Ah, how nice to know that they, like the subhuman media, care not one iota for the mental welfare of the people they claim to support.

At 11:57 am , Blogger U-B said...

As you quite rightly say, the press had no intention of discussing football at that press conference, and I certainly don't believe that the players were letting the fans down. As you quite rightly say, money was at the bottom of the whole fuss - advertisers not getting their wares on display, etc.
Nice to see the Murdoch press behaved in their usual mature fashion - printing a story about David Beckham being on the verge of a breakdown and a marital split. It's pathetic - it's like they're saying "don't mess with us again, because we can REALLY ruin your life."


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