Monday, September 13, 2004

It's not got much better... fact it's got worse.

The muppets who masquerade as the workmen for our office succeeded in fixing up my white board today. Now bearing in mind the request to do this was submitted four weeks ago, and an estimated completion date was set for the 9th September (if they'd let me have a screwdriver I'D have done it) it wasn't going entirely to schedule anyway. But to top it all off, despite them having a spirit level, they have succeeded in attaching the board at a "jaunty" angle close to 45 degrees, scratching the surface, and breaking the fixings. Why? I was nice to them! I offered biscuits! Why?!!!

I've also succeeded in breaking one of my PCs permanently, and having two people I work with convinced that my software is the root of all evil.

I'm not too pleased with myself really either. Our office is fairly segregated. The senior people outnumber the support staff by about 5 to 1 and are extremely busy, so you don't often see them. Someone new started this week, and at lunch she came up to the normally deserted coffee area. "Hello"s were exchanged, and then I retreated into a shell and said nothing more. I thought about this for a long while afterwards. Regardless of the fact that I often clam up when our senior people are around (they scare me), this person was new, and I should have been more friendly.

I have since attempted to make amends for this by going up and apologising for being rude, and introducing myself properly. She probably thinks I'm weird and a stalker now.

Never mind, at least I'm not one of the soldiers who patrol outside my room and regularly get abused by their seniors. I thought that was the stuff of Monty Python sketches, but apparently not...

Ah well, off to see Ross Noble tonight, all being well, and he's a funny man. I shall report back on him tomorrow.

Have fun y'all.


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