Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I must apologise

Yesterday's post was a touch harsh.

Firstly, Belle de Jour didn't deserve such a kicking. She only does what everyone in a blog does and writes about her life. And at least she has a purpose. "Random Acts...", "Belle...", these blogs have a definite direction, detailing events in their work and lives which are compelling. And a damn site better than the vast majority of blogs out there, including this one.

The problem with this blog and many others is that we have no definite direction. I'm just collecting a series of rants, and in writing them down, it proves strangely cathartic. But not that compelling. No-one wonders "oh, I wonder what's happened in U-Bs life since yesterday". And the reason is that it's just not that interesting.

So come on people, how about suggestions of a running theme? Most of you who read this know me - what can I develop as the subject of my blog?

Actually, come to think of it, I haven't yet published one of my conspiracy theories...hmmm, there's an idea...

But back to Belle. I wasn't annoyed at her writing, it was more the people who have appropriated her that I objected to. It's part of my downer on London life in that it's just like being at school again. There's the "cool kids" who sneer at anyone and everyone, and that annoys me.

And then again, I was also still fuming about that git in the Lotus Elise.

Anyway, this is a fairly purposeless meander through my mind at the moment, and I have a lot of work to do. And lunch is coming to an end. So I'll leave you with a recommendation:

My Neighbours are Hoors

Highly entertaining stuff.


At 5:39 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No-one wonders "oh, I wonder what's happened in U-Bs life since yesterday".I do.

At 5:40 pm , Blogger Earth Girl said...

I wonder too! I want to know what random event will spark off a rant !


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