Friday, September 17, 2004

The further adventures of Commuter Boy...

After another crappy journey today, I decided that, rather than risk the tales of commuter boy completely overwhelming anything else on this blog, I would create and entirely separate section for him.

It shall be a commuting diary, to record the trials and tribulations affecting the average London commuter. Most of it will be very dull, there may be some praise, but basically it's an excuse to have an entire blog slagging off South West Trains.

Apologies for the lack of posting yesterday, but I really didn't have that much to say. But today is another matter...


At 10:48 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a quick one to say the URL for the "commuterboy" blog (linked at the top of this page) is currently incorrect:
It *should* direct you to

--The Gman


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