Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I am most pleased...

...despite the evidence to the contrary.

I have added two shiny new links to new blogs on the right hand side - Octagon and Chocolate Digestive. Both are very good friends of mine who I don't speak to nearly enough, and both have lives which are considerably more interesting than mine. Go. Read. Now. It's reading blogs like those that make me think "why do I bother" because they're so much better and more worthy.

The soldiers outside my room are being particularly mad today. They started this morning with continual calls of "Dave" which confused the hell out of me, I can tell you. I think they were trying to get the attention of another of their number, but I can't be sure. Then one of the horses started going mad and threatening to stove in my window. They seemed to think the best way to deal with this was to shout at it and call it a "wanker". Hmmm.

They've quietened down a bit now. But it's a nice little insight into what goes on behind the seemingly regimented and organised front of Horseguards.

They're also closing Whitehall today due to a planned protest. This may prevent me from going home. Strangely, the only thing that annoys me about this is that the protestors are probably the Countryside Alliance led by Simon "The Sun says I'm right"Hart. Oh for a pack of slavering hounds at my beck and call...


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