Friday, October 01, 2004

Quotes of the Month Archive: September 2004

  • 'The bollocks about the North West being all about whippets and fish and chips is put about by southern wankers at London-based newspapers.' (T. Wilson)

  • 'If hunters want us to respect their rural ways of hunting down animals and killing them in a brutal fashion, then they have to respect our urban ways of the Police leathering people with big sticks in a brutal fashion.' (Anonymous)

  • 'Hunters do it because they enjoy the feeling of power from controlling one set of animals to scare the living shit out of another until it's too tired to get away whereupon it is ripped to shreds in the most painful way possible. The funny feeling they receive as their horses move underneath their nether regions is an added bonus.' (Anonymous)

  • 'London consists of five mad people and thousands of people trying to avoid them.' (R. Noble)

  • 'Your typical sports journalist has the intelligence of a dung beetle and a slightly less-pleasant odour and are almost invariably drawn from the ranks of ex-school bullies and dropouts.' (Anonymous)

  • 'Sometimes it takes a dominatrix in your living room to make you sit up and think "what the hell am I doing with my life?"' (T. Max)

  • 'If mediocrity had a theme tune, Athlete wouldn't quite be able to release the B-side' (C. Higgins)


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