Thursday, October 14, 2004

Dear God save us

I'm thoroughly worried and depressed.

I've had the misfortune of reading through some pro-Republican comments on the Guardian website, basically attacking us for being "yellow-belied liberals". But the crowning glory was some muppet called Chris who said-

"Europe. Always there when they need us."

- following a polemic about the superiority of America.

I hope this man burns in Hell. He probably keeps a gimp chained up in his basement who he releases from time to time to flagellate him (except he probably doesn't undertsand the veb "to flagellate" - it means "whip" monkey boy!)

I am sick of this argument from Right wing Americans that without them we'd be buggered. Yes, they did make two timely interventions in the World War, for which we should be grateful. But the number of times since that we have bailed America out of trouble. Hmmm...lets see...Iraq?!!! While the Americans strolled into a fairly undefended Baghdad, levelling everything as they went, the rest of the coalition actually faced the bulk of the opposition in Basra. Had they not been there, the Americans would have been trapped in Baghdad by the Iraqi troops stationed elsewhere and in all probability massacred.

And I'm sure that the Americans bombing our troops really helped us. At the "official" end of the Iraq war, it transpired that Britain had lost more troops to "friendly fire" from the Americans than to any other group.

Basically, I appreciate these arguments aren't my best, but I just really REALLY wish that people like "Chris" would fuck off and die.


At 1:06 pm , Blogger U-B said...

I should comment that even my good friend Richi-boy couldn't defend this post. He called it incoherent and illogical. I entirely agree with him. Not one of my best efforts. Sorry all.


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