Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Rant of the Week: Stupid People (pt. III)

Now, far be it from me to criticise the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth, but I think he’s little more than a trained chimpanzee with a severe case of verbal diarrhoea, the natural grace of a one-legged rat, and the social skills of a compulsively masturbating monkey.

Not only that, but he’s a cheating trained chimpanzee with a severe case of verbal diarrhoea, the natural grace of a one-legged rat, and the social skills of a compulsively masturbating monkey.

I’m sure few people have forgotten the fact that, when the Presidential Election was held in 2000, the whole outcome hinged on Florida. Similarly I’m sure that everyone remembers that the Governor of Florida was one Jeb Bush (what kind of an in-bred, stupid name is Jeb anyway? He’s basically a crapper version of Joseph Bonaparte isn’t he?).

And I’m sure that people still remember that votes from the coloured population were destroyed as invalid, as were votes from any minority group, and seemingly anyone who voted Democrat. Fewer people probably remember that a pro-Republican news channel went on record as saying the Republicans had won in Florida before the ballot boxes closed.

I’m sure NO-ONE has forgotten, however, that when all the valid votes were counted many weeks after Bush was declared triumphant, it transpired that Al Gore would have won Florida, and therefore the whole election. Quite why nothing was done to impeach Bush at the time is beyond me.

Then you had “9/11” and the subsequent attempts by Bush to bring democracy to other places in the world (here’s a tip, Mr Bush – bring democracy to your own country first). And now we’re back at election time again.

Despite the Democrats finding virtually the only person in the Universe who struggles to compete with Bush, John Kerry is doing very well, mainly due to the fact that he whips Bush’s arse every time they have a debate (not literally though – that would be hideous). But now we find out that a pro-Republican TV channel has decided to aid Bush this time round in a more sinister way than his brother helped him last time. I quote from the Guardian:

“One of America's biggest television companies has announced plans to broadcast a film days before the presidential election that portrays the Democratic candidate John Kerry as betraying his fellow soldiers in Vietnam.
The conservative Sinclair Broadcast Group will reportedly present the film as news on the 62 local channels it owns nationwide.”

So they’re going to present this as “news” four days before the election.

Hmmm…four days…that leaves SUCH a long time for Kerry to refute the allegations before the election doesn’t it. Crucially, the vast majority of local channels owned by the Sinclair Broadcast Group are in swing states. Just think…one bit of bad press and the state goes to GWB. What was that I said about democracy in the US?

I really hope for the sake of the free world that the stations are banned from doing this. I hope even more that Bush is booted out and his like is never seen again. I don’t want to see him elected and face up to the awful reality that within four years we’re going to be participating in a nuclear war led by a chimp.


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