Tuesday, October 26, 2004


No, the title doesn't refer to the strangely compelling antics of Richard Whiteley on Channel 4 (I don't know what time it's on though, which shows that I've not been a student for far too long).

The title refers to the dearly departed "Shat Day" countdown which used to run on my site. Since Shat Day has been and gone, I need a replacement. So I thought I'd turn to you lot out there.

Please note that countdowns should not be obvious, and possibly humourous. Hence why I'm not coming up with the idea...

As a brief mini-countdown, it's four days and counting till "the Fishermen..." gets my full undivided attention once more...


At 3:26 pm , Blogger Earth Girl said...

you could do days till my mate has to hand in her masters Disertation on Dec 17th.


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