Friday, July 08, 2005


Yesterday wasn't fun. It's worse when you think about it, and it's pretty hard not to think about it when you work amongst it all. It was a strange experience watching as the jokes amongst me and my colleagues that it was all a fuss about nothing died on our lips as we realsied it was a lot more serious than anyone thought. And interesting watching everyone try and keep each other jolly and happy while the doors were bolted and the protective shields raised. And the fact that, despite external appearances, everyone was worried about someone.

As the day wore on the mood changed. Making a break for home, you saw that most people were tetchy. Tempers were high, little things irritated. Never have I believed the saying "an Englishmen's home is his castle" as when I returned home yesterday. I may be Welsh but I think that saying holds true for all people.

Today things seem bizarrely back to normal. Almost eerily so. I caught a double decker today because I'm buggered if I'm going to be scared off public transport by this. And I think the same bloody-mindedness is common to a lot of people today.

And try as I might to avoid it, I cannot help but think about the horrendous repercussions this is going to have in the future. We aren't the most stable of people in the world, and many are now wounded and hurt. Large parts of the city are wounded and bleeding and looking to lash out. And that makes me more scared than any future threat.


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