Monday, January 10, 2005

Stupid People (pt. IV)

OK. So, I turned on the radio this morning in the middle of an interview with someone. Within the space of, ooh, about 5 seconds, I knew it was a Tory Minister being interviewed.

How did I know this?

Because all the person was doing was complaining about the Labour Government and what they're doing wrong. There wasn' t the slightest mention of their own policies or what they would do better, not the merest sniff of their own policies. No, it was just an endless stream of vitriol and invective against the Government.

Now I'm not a huge fan of our present administration. However, I prefer them infinitely to the nearest possible, alternative: a bunch of childish, pathetic muppets with no more substance to themselves or their stance than your average school playground bully.

It's embarrassing for them and irritating for us. They should stay quiet until they've got something worth saying. And preferably hold their collective breaths while doing so. That would get rid of a few of the toerags.

Then, as if that was not enough, "Doctor" Ian Paisley came on. What a pathetic excuse for a human being he is. A man who single-handedly derailed the Northern Ireland peace process by wanting to see a few pictures of what people were doing. All the warring political parties over there are total toerags who, because of an inability to get over their petty grudges have heaped death and misery on a host of people. (N.B. Appreciate I've simplified this a tad). The world will be a better place when Paisley and his ilk die and leave the way for people who aren't tired old men set in their ways.

In fact, for Paisley in particular, I know there's a special circle of Hell reserved for him. Being the "Right Reverend" won't cut any slack when he's being tormented with spikes for all eternity. In fact his special place will be underneath most other circles of Hell, where the effluent from the millions of inhabitants drips in a never-ending stream on his head, while his ranceid drool seeps ineffectively out of his mouth and drips with a seeming inevitability for all eternity on the head of a particular employee of South West Trains.

N.B. I appreciate that this rant means I have broken my main New Year's Resolution. Quite frankly I don't care. U-B is back to wreak vengeance on the mad and the stupid. They will all fall before the might of my words!! FEEL MY WRATH AND CHOKE ON THE DELUGE OF MY RAT-INFESTED IMAGINATION AND BRAIN DOINGS!!!!!!!!!!

I am U-B.

Hear me roar.


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