Tuesday, November 16, 2004

My Life


I'm not doing good on this blogging thing really am I? I promise it's just for the moment. Everything's a tad manic and crazy. Not to mention depressing. I really am not happy at work at the moment. I don't mind working hard, though I'm getting annoyed at the fact that it's being taken for granted that I'll do overtime every night, and that I can't even take a days' leave or sick. I've got a days' leave booked on Friday, and I'm convinced that I'm going to have to fight to take it off. Well bugger it, if needs, be I'll work Saturday instead.

To top it all off, I've discovered something quite badly wrong in all the work I did last week, meaning a lot of it needs to be done. This is all the more annoying because it's a stupid mistake I made and I can't blame it on anyone else.

The there's the fact that all the work is affecting my outside life. I'm massively behind in my evening class, I haven't done any music practice for a while, and I haven't been able to contact anyone in ages. I've got a list of people I need to phone that's been building up, but when you get in after doing 10 or so hours, I just want to eat and sleep.

Then there's family issues. I'm probably being unreasonable here, but all my family live within an hours' travel of one another in the North. Unfortunately this means that when there's a get-together, I'm expected to attend. Which involves considerably MORE than an hours' travel. The weekend before last was a case in point. I had to travel up for a family birthday, but couldn't take time off. So I travelled all day on Saturday (and I mean ALL day thanks to Virgin trains), spent Saturday evening in bed with a migraine, spent Sunday at the party (which didn't turn out to be a family party, but a big get together of lots of people), and travelled back on Monday (during which time I had to work because I can't take time off). Then I get put on a guilt trip for not telephoning on the weekend when the actual birthday was.

I may be being unreasonable here. I do have a lovely family who are good to me, but sometimes, I find the demands a tad too much. But then it's probably because I'm feeling low about life.

Anyway, this wasn't meant to be a whinge about my life. No-one really cares, it's not what people read blogs for. But I've noticed a worrying trend in fellow bloggers. It seems they all look down on and sneer at people who post links to other sites in their blog. You know, where you put a post directing people to an article of interest or something.

Why is this such a crime?

If I read something of interest, I don't want to rephrase it in my own words and take credit for it. That's plagiarism. I want credit to be given to the people who actually put the effort in and wrote it. And if you have a problem with linking to sites generally, then I say you're a very petty individual. What's wrong with directing people to other areas of interest. It's nice to the people who receive the link, as they get more readers, and it's nice that you can share things you find interesting with your readers.

So before you get all sanctimonious about link posts, I say this. Get a life. Just make sure it's a better one than mine.


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