Thursday, November 04, 2004

"The Bastard Son of 10 000 Maniacs..."

I don't want to die.

I really don't.

I have many years ahead of me, during which I want to do many things. I would like to see a bit more of the world. I would like to get back to earning money through music. I would like to complete seeing the cycle of Mahler symphonies in chronological order with Nick.

But it seem that the largest section of the voting public in America ever has decreed that this shall not be so.

Bush has one of the worst records of any President ever in terms of the American economy. His cabinet have been associated in numerous big business scandals which have impacted directly on the lives of the American populace. He has waged war against two countries, leading to the deaths of thousand of American soldiers. His leadership flushed away the near-global goodwill towards America after 9/11 to leave it as the most reviled state in the world.
Apparently though, none of this matters.
80% of voters apparently placed "moral issues" ahead of anything else when casting their vote. "Moral Issues" covers topics such as abortion and gay marriage. What harm, EXACTLY, does gay marriage do anyone? Who cares that it's prohibited in the Bible - the Bible says we should love our neighbour and forgive people's sins, but that clearly isn't adhered to in any way, shape or form (Death Penalty anyone?).
If you've seen the voting map of America, you'll see that the areas traditionally associated with liberalism and intellectualism in America - the states that opposed slavery for example - all voted Democrat. Yet the heartland and south of America voted Republican. I know why this is. They're worried that people will realise all the genetic problems they've caused by inbreeding over many years and try and prevent this using genetic modification.
This last point is a tad irrational, but that is what my rage has driven me to.
What terrifies me more than anything however is that according to the current constitution, Bush cannot be elected again. Therefore, he can pretty much do whatever he likes and not be held accountable at all. This is a terrifying thought.
To be blunt, in the next four years I predict the following things will happen.
1) At least two more wars (Iran and Syria seeming the most likely candidates)
2) Bush changing the constitution so that he can be elected for a third term (due to "National Security Issues" probably).
3) More major terrorist attacks across the Western world.
4) The first deployment of a nuclear weapon since the Second World War
I hope I'm wrong. But I don't think I will be.

P.S. I make no apologies for quoting "Nightmare on Elm Street" in the title of this.


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