Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Earth Girl has succeeded in attracting a lunatic to her site with a post about that babboon George W Bush.

CrazyforJesus felt the need to respond to Earth Girl's comment about the Election Results. He started off being quite reasonable, and you can't really blame him for following what he believes in. But oh dear me, he really went off the deep end at the end...

"...people talk about iraq & the wmd, remember when the inspectors when all the to inspect, how come the had to wait for hours or even a day or so before they where allowed to inspect? I tell you why because that was enough time for France to warn the iraq's & for them to leave the country. where are they now, try Syria & Iran ~ oh yea nobody wants to say anything about that huh."

I think we ALL know the reason why nobody wants to talk about that...


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