Wednesday, December 08, 2004


For some godforsaken reason I ended up watching a bit of football on the telly while I was cooking the other night. It was Arsenal versus Rosenberg, and Terry Venables was among the people commentating. They had a quick "Coach's View" section, which was ironic given that Venebales isn't a coach at the moment and had never coached either of the teams playing. In the middle of this section, he let rip with the following fascinating insight:

"The Rosenberg defence...they're having a holocaust..."

What a twat.

I hate that word, but he is. He's a total and utter twat. I want to slice off the top of his head and shit on his brain. I want to slowly peel strips of his skin off and make him eat them, and then, when he's only got tender red new skin left, dunk him up to his neck in TCP. The man is a perma-tanned, talentless, cheating, shitty, heartless, incestuous fuckwit and I hope he dies lonely and alone.

You NEVER misappropriate that word. Especially not in the context of fucking football.


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