Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Return of Commuter Boy

Yes, the original Mr Angry is back as promised!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A brief interlude...

It's all been a bit quiet at the fishermen recently.

It's not that there's nothing to rant about - there's SO MUCH to rant about, believe me.

I just can't get motivated at the moment.

But, in the interim, below are links which you may find interesting:


Hope you enjoy the reading. I'm going to go off and stick pins in a voodoo doll of Ian Paisley.

Monday, August 08, 2005

I am so proud

...someone found this site while doing a search for "masturbating chimpanzee."

That's the perfect way to brighten your morning.

(Finding this out by the way, not masturbating a chimpanzee...)

Monday, August 01, 2005

No no no no no no no!!!

Hideous news! Much badness and wrongness!

They're going to make a musical of Lord of the Rings.


Words fail me to describe how very wrong this is. I know there's song in the books, but for God's sake!

I can just picture it now. Effete boy with designs on being a Hollywood Star enters stage left:

"Gollum, Gollum, where do you go-o-o-o?"

Enter similarly effete boy, but who crouches and has a bit of mud artistically applied to show he's, you know, evil"

"I go, I go, I GO-O-O!
To find my precious..."

Dreadful. If you want to go and see a musical verison of the Lord of the Rings, go and see a Wagner opera (admittedly, not quite the same story, but still good fun). Otherwise, leave it alone!